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Advantages of the Robot


  • Makes the elderly feel less lonely and isolated – so now they have company

  • When they don’t have the energy to complete certain tasks, e.g. putting the plates on the table in the kitchen, the robot can do it

  • In emergency situations, the robot is fully equipped to handle the situation and immediately get help

  • It can also offer stimulating activates that strengthen the brain of the user

  • It also respects the autonomy and independence of the user

  • It can escort the user somewhere if the user needs it, so a robot is there in case of emergency, right at hand

  • It can carry out three broad scenarios, fetch and carry tasks, entertainment and communication, and emergency support

  • All required hardware drivers as well as a simulation of the robot are available in an actively supported open source repository. In case of difficulties, their research community and mailing list ensure quick and target-orientated support.

  • One of the many major strengths of this robot is its standardised and modular hardware setup. The use of many industrial components guarantees robust and reliable functionality and good support in case of any problems.

Disadvantages of the Robot


  • It could be a bit awkward to have a robot for company and it can be really uncomfortable, strange and weird

  • The cost of it may be expensive for most, so this would be hard to access

  • Availability – if you live in the outback, deep in the country or don’t have the information about the robot you won’t have the information to look into buying one

  • If you suffer from illnesses like dementia, you won’t be able to use the robot and remembering how to use the robot would be hard

  • To be able to use the robot, the house has to be equipped with special equipment and this needs to be installed around the house. This can take a lot of time and money. The house also has to be a smart-home, and not many houses are.

  • The home might not be compatible with the robot, as a system needs to be installed in the roof

  • The robot isn’t human contact, no matter how much it tries to impersonate a human, and this means it will forever be very distant and cannot get closer to the user.

  • If the point of the robot is to prevent loneliness, this robot won’t be sufficient enough since it is not capable of building relationships with the user

  • They might not be able to translate the robot into other languages and this can become a problem

  • It can take a long time for the robot to complete a specific task and this can become quite frustrating at times

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Care-O-Bot 3


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